Monday, October 28, 2013

Beautiful Soviet Era Watch Designs

Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Many professionals agree that the quality and design of such pieces is on par with many of the high-end rivals. Enjoy these HD photos of the best watches from USSR.
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing

Before the collapse of Soviet Union there were approximately ten factories that produced many different types of watches. Many watches were specially crafted for the higher class citizens (pilots, cosmonauts, military personnel).
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Although many of these watches were highly popular during Soviet times, today some of these can fetch up to $100,000 USD!
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
A watch like this one accompanied Yuri Gagarin, on the first manned space flight.
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing
Soviet Watch Designs that are Amazing

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