Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Luxury Network brings the $51 million Embraer Lineage 1000 jet to Brisbane

The Luxury Network brings the $51 million Embraer Lineage 1000 jet to Brisbane

Luxury Network
Martin Roller from BMW, James Rowden from TLN, with Christophe Chicandard of Embraer and Meg Dahiya from TLN. Picture: Jono Searle Source: The Courier-Mail
IT WAS a low-key affair when the creme de la creme of private jets, the $51 million Embraer Lineage 1000, streamed in to Brisbane's airspace yesterday.
A Lamborghini and BMW 6 Series machine greeted it in a private hangar, and that's just how the ultra-rich like it - small, private and no expense spared.
It's that sort of affinity marketing that's expected to reap greater dividends for top-end labels, 45 of which are now part of an exclusive grouping - The Luxury Network - which has just opened in Brisbane after 10 months in the country.
Christophe Chicandard, the Asia Pacific senior sales director of Embraer Executive Jets, said TLN had proved to be a good way for his company to network with high net worth individuals in the United Kingdom and put their planes - starting from the entry level light craft at $4.1 million - in front of them.
Embraer jet
LUXURY: Meg Dahiya from TLN with Christophe Chicandard (Embraer) inside the $51 million Embraer Lineage 1000. Picture: Jono Searle. Source: The Courier-Mail
Yesterday, the jet zoomed in to Brisbane and was shown to just two key prospective clients, who remain nameless.
"This is what we do, it's very targeted," Mr Chicandard said. "We want to make sure that we're showing it to the right people."
He said TLN was a matchmaker for luxury brands.
Embraer jet
LUXURY: Inside the $51 million Embraer Lineage 1000. Picture: Jono Searle Source: The Courier-Mail
"We eventually talk to the same people, so we might as well show them what we can do at the same time and under the same banner," he said.
"Only a few people would be interested in such a large plane, so if we get one aircraft (sale) in a year in Australia, I'd be extremely happy."
Martin Roller, managing director of Brisbane BMW and Lamborghini, said with an average price-tag of $500,000 for Lamborghini, it made sense to meet "like-minded brands" such as Embraer.
Embraer jet
LUXURY: Inside the $51 million Embraer Lineage 1000. Picture: Jono Searle Source: The Courier-Mail
"We're competing for the same sort of people. This is a very intelligent way and to some extent a very discreet way of getting a brand in front of the right customer."
He hopes to sell 25 Lamborghinis this year: 11 have been sold in the five months since he took over the business.
Meg Dahiya, managing director of The Luxury Network Queensland, said after just five weeks of operating in the state, many high-end brands were on board, including Riviera Boats and Stamford Plaza Brisbane.
Embraer jet
LUXURY: Inside the $51 million Embraer Lineage 1000. Picture: Jono Searle Source: The Courier-Mail
"It's really booming. We're signing about four to five new members each month in Brisbane, so there's great potential," she said.
The Luxury Network NSW managing director James Rowden said the concept essentially allowed clients to market to each other's clients in a non-competitive and unique way.

Embraer jet
RICH RETAIL: The Luxury Network has opened in Brisbane connecting wealthy people to high end products. Picture: Jono Searle Source: The Courier-Mail

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